Course Provider
What will you learn in Hyperparameter Tuning in SVM course?
This course is designed for anyone who wants to become an expert in the working of SVM algorithms and understand the ways in which different hyperparameters affect the training of the model
Hyperparameter Tuning in SVM
Skill Type
Emerging Tech
- Domain
- Course Category
Popular Tech Topics
- Certificate Earned Partner Completion certificate
- Course Price
INR 3,600+ 18% GST
- Course Duration
20 Hours
- Course Price
Why you should take Hyperparameter Tuning in SVM course?
Through an experiential approach, the course will take you through the concepts of hyperparametric tuning in SVM models. You will learn-
- Understanding the SVM model
- Evaluate Hyperparameters
- Tune Hyperparameters according to the model and business needs
Who should take Hyperparameter Tuning in SVM course?
Any enthusiast in Data Analytics can take the course
This course is divided into two modules containing,
- 2 reading materials to teach you the theoretical concepts, one for each module.
- 2 Audio-Video Collaterals
- 4 practice "milestone-based" data cases to apply the skills gained to solve a business problem.
- 4 quizzes to validate your learnings.
- 2 datasets to solve a business case.
Tools you will learn in Hyperparameter Tuning in SVM course:
Analyttica TreasureHunt® LEAPS Virtual Lab