iot intro

Acquire essential skills in IoT on FutureSkills Prime

Discover how the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and construction. FutureSkills Prime offers courses designed to equip learners with in-depth knowledge and technical proficiency in IoT development and its real-world application in industries such as Smart Agriculture, Smart Cities, Healthcare, Industrial Automation, Transportation & Logistics.

According to a report by 6Wresearch, the IoT market in India is projected to surpass a global value of $1.5 trillion by 2027, creating significant demand for skilled IoT professionals worldwide.

Unlock your potential with FutureSkills Prime's nasscom certification courses in IoT and prepare for lucrative career opportunities in roles such as IoT Specialist, IoT Architect, IoT Consultant, IoT Developer.

Discover key insights through an immersive learning experience

Immerse yourself in insightful discussions led by IoT experts, charting the course through the dynamic landscape of IoT technology and its invaluable insights.

Uncover valuable insights and industry perspectives

Explore the depths of expertise and profound insights shaping the dynamic landscape of IoT technology with our enlightening blog posts dedicated to IoT.

Our Course Providers

  • CDAC _4
  • Craw Security_8
  • Qmansys
  • SkillsDA_6
  • SkillUp_17
  • Technologics
  • Terv_8
  • UnextJigsaw_10

Frequently asked questions

Internet of Things (IoT) offers promising career prospects. As the IoT market continues to grow, there is a high demand for skilled professionals across various industries. Here are some key IoT career opportunities - IoT Specialist, IoT Architect, Program Manager, IoT Consultant, IoT Developer, Industrial Data Scientists, IoT Product Manager and more.

Distinguishing features of IoT courses on FutureSkills Prime are –

  • Foundational Understanding: These certificate courses provide learners with a solid foundation in IoT fundamentals. Topics covered include sensor technology, data acquisition, connectivity protocols, and cloud computing.
  • Nasscom Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, learners can earn an industry-backed nasscom certification on clearing their nasscom assessment.

Yes, upon completing an IoT course, you can earn a nasscom certification post clearing the nasscom assessment. These credentials enhance your credibility and demonstrate your skills to potential employers.